FrieslandCampina Ingredients

GHG Reduction Partnership: reduce your dairy-based emissions by 14%

FrieslandCampina Ingredients’ emissions reduction partnership helps nutrition companies easily reduce your scope 3 emissions with trusted data.

Explore how you can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions

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Sustainability is a top priority – so we’re working together with nutrition companies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the dairy value chain. Through our GHG Reduction Partnership, we’re making it easier for you to reduce your scope 3 emissions – without needing to commit to a more resource-intensive programme.

Join other like-minded nutrition companies against climate change

When you sign up to our GHG Reduction Partnership, we calculate the investment needed to guarantee a 14% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025 that is approved by the SBTi. As early adopters of the initiative, Mondelēz and McDonald’s have already made sustainability progress at scale. And companies like Danone, Nestlé and Mars have also leveraged our data-driven approach to reduce their scope 3 emissions. Will you join us in pushing for positive change?

We’re dedicated to achieving a net climate-neutral dairy chain by 2050; together we can make sustainable nutrition a reality.



Will you join the sustainability revolution, too?

Download the case study and see how the GHG Reduction Partnership has already helped big nutrition players meet their climate targets.

Download case study

Partner with sustainability specialists

Interested in making a real, tangible difference to the decarbonisation of the dairy chain? Let’s collaborate! Contact our experts to learn more about how our cutting-edge methods can help push the boundaries in the stand against climate change.

Contact us

Championing sustainability in the nutrition industry

At FrieslandCampina Ingredients, we’re pioneering key initiatives to align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development goals. Explore the exciting plans and projects we have in place to nourish a better planet via our Sustainability Hub.

Visit the Sustainability Hub

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